There was once a time in my life when I abhorred the thought of wearing a denim jacket over jeans. How could one even think to commit such a crime. Middle-school me would be appalled to know that the denim-on-denim trend is thriving in 2017, along with several other looks I once considered highly offensive.
Except I've since learned that fashion rules are there to be broken, and break them I shall.
Won't you join me?
Pants under dresses
Pants and a skirt? Yes, you read that correctly.
I worry that this may be too many layers for me personally (I despise layering), but I'm a fan of the overall look.
Why not throw leather pants on under a dress for a night out? Who's stopping you?
T-shirts under spaghetti straps
Can you hear that? It's 2009 me laughing at your suggestion to layer a t-shirt under a dress.
But 2017 me is all about it—it makes a dressy outfit instantly casual, and it lets you wear your summer clothes all year round. Win win.
Unpowdered skin
It's all about that glow.
Don't worry if you look like a sweaty mess, however unintentionally. That look is in.
Black and navy
I can't accurately express how many times I've been called out for wearing a navy blazer with black jeans.
I never understood it. And I'm happy to see other such like-minded people unabashedly mixing and matching their darks.
Denim on denim
Though the same shade of denim does look quite put together, I don't think matching components are necessary for this look to work.
Light wash denim, dark denim, ripped denim. It all works. Just wear all the denim.
If I've learned one thing from the evolution of fashion, it's that literally nothing is off limits. Even if it seems to be, just give it a year or three; it'll have its time in the sun.
It's all a matter of time.

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