Caroline Hirons knows how to do a face.
I love her accent. I love the way she talks about makeup and skin care in such a brisk manner and her recommendations are pricey but spot on. She lets you get away with nothing. In this video she works with her annoyingly gorgeous model friend Ruth Crilly and does a video in which Ruth times her makeup morning routine. “This is mom on a school run,” Caroline says. “No brushes.”
Caroline thinks that this is any woman on a school run? I kind of love her for that. She does a full foundation, eye concealer and then eventually whips out a selection of brushes, eye makeup and a red lip. But this is not a real school run, Caroline. A real school run is: make coffee, make sure you have your pants on, slip your glasses over your face (maybe put your contact lenses in) and get off to school.
Still, I could watch this video 15 times, because Caroline is hysterical. When she over applies her blush she says, “Oh my God I look like I have.. what’s that childhood illness... slapped face syndrome.”
In the end, she evens it out. Her face looks great—not perfect, but great. She proves that you can look alive in just five minutes, and isn’t that nice? I find that knowledge kind of comforting.
Also, the Charlotte Tilbury blush she uses: I must have it.
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