We all know about breast cancer—but not all of us know how to spot the symptoms on our own bodies.
Enter #KnowYourLemons, a campaign by London designer Corinne Ellsworth Beaumont, founder of charity Worldwide Breast Cancer.
Beaumont's image—of 12 lemons each explaining different signs of breast cancer to look for during a self-examination—went viral this week after being shared by Facebook user Erin Smith Chieze.
Chieze credits a similar image for helping her get to her diagnosis, rather than any typically "cute" social media trend. Because her own tumor was "non-palpable", she had to rely on visual signs.
"I knew what breast cancer was," Chieze writes.
"I knew all about self exams, but a picture of what to look for keyed me into knowing I had a terminal disease. We need to give REAL information, not cute hearts. Without having seen a picture randomly with real information, I wouldn't have known what to look for."
With one in eight U.S. women likely to develop breast cancer in their lifetimes, access to this kind of information is critical. And campaigns like this, that make the information accessible, and quick to understand and share, play a huge role in that.
At the time of writing, Chieze's post has been liked over 14,000 times, and shared more than 31,000. That's a lot of women who can now quickly duck into the bathroom for a check.
You can read Chieze's full Facebook post below:

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