Imagine taking the bold step to report sexual harassment, inappropriate behavior by your manager and clear gender discrimination to Human Resources over and over again, only to get nowhere.
You'd probably get fed up and look for a new job. Then once you'd found one, you might pen an angry blog about just how bad your previous company was. Because maybe a little bit of public pressure might help fix the situation for the next woman.
That's exactly what has happened at ride-sharing giant Uber, where a former engineer for the company, Susan Fowler, has published a long and detailed blog outlining all the creepy/inappropriate/unfair/crappy/sexist things that allegedly happened to her while working there.
The blog dropped on Sunday, prompting an immediate response from Uber.
"What she describes is abhorrent and against everything Uber stands for and believes in. It's the first time this has come to my attention so I have instructed Liane Hornsey, our new Chief Human Resources Officer, to conduct an urgent investigation into these allegations," Uber's CEO Travis Kalanick said on Sunday.
By Monday, the company had ramped that investigation up.
It has hired former United States Attorney General Eric Holder to conduct a review of Fowler's claims, as well as Uber board member Arianna Huffington.
And while Fowler's allegations are not yet proven, these of sexism and discrimination faced by women working in technology and in Silicon Valley.
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