Over the weekend I had eight friends share the same video on Facebook. When yet another friend, whom I consider very funny, shared it and added, "Ugh, I wish I wrote this," I knew it was time to check it out.
And you know what? Ugh, I wish I wrote this.
Because the AJ+/NewsBroke parody, '', is hilarious, timely, and kind of perfect.
It's shot in the style of one of those old VHS tapes your boss might make you watch in lieu of actually having a conversation about sexual harassment or workplace sensitivity training. And it takes on the idea of racial sensitivity in the office.
But, instead of explaining how to be more sensitive towards minority co-workers, the video flips the script. It explains how employees can and should be more sensitive towards the plight of white people who feel uncomfortable.
It's not white people being racist that's the problem, 'White Fragility' says, it's their non-white coworkers calling them out on it.
"Hey, Jen, I really like your hair," says a white woman.
"Thanks, Becky," replies Jen, a black woman.
"I think the curls are awesome. Black hair's the best," exclaims Becky as she reaches out to grab a lock of Jen's hair.
"Ah, can you not do that?" says Jen pulling away. "It's kind of inappropriate."
"What, why?" asks Becky.
"Well…it's kind of…racist," Jenreplies.
Enter AJ+'s Francesca Fiorentini, who explains what's gone wrong.
"Jen called Becky the 'R' word, causing Becky to feel shame and sadness," she helpfully lets us know.
Along with a bunch of other scenarios, she provides a useful acronym to help you remember how to keep your racist white co-workers at ease.
"The SILENCE System."

In just under four-and-a-half minutes, AJ+ gives you all the tools you need to never hurt your white co-workers' or employees' feelings ever again.
"So let's all be sensitive," Fiorentini says at the end. "White sensitive."
Too real.
And everyone on the internet seems to agree. At time of writing, the clip's been viewed over 15 million times on , shared over 230,000 times and liked 117,000 times.
It just keeps getting shared.
I LOVE this whole video. I really love the 80's vibe. This video was on point! https://t.co/Bq7WxwJLUt
— Leaundra Ross (@LeaundraRoss)
This take on might be the most amazing thing I've ever seen... today https://t.co/GzGr39KlbE
— Dr. Richard Reddick (@DrRichReddick)
waaaah! this is SO. FUNNY. thanks, & for sharing. my kids & i had such a good laugh. https://t.co/cE7wuYr1li
— SG Wong (@S_G_Wong)

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