The last time I spotted my cellulite in a photo of myself, I cropped my thigh out of the image. I bet I'm not the only one who's done something similar. But this was before #CelluliteSaturday became a thing.
The new Instagram trend is encouraging women to proudly show off their cellulite, rather than hide it.
The trend was started by 26-year-old body activist Kenzie Brenna, who is recovering from body dysmorphia disorder.
Brenna used to spend hours trying to eliminate her cellulite—something that, as she points out, 93 percent of women have.
Now, she's taking photos of it.
"Coming from a woman who goes to the gym five days out of the week and who eats a balanced diet, I still have cellulite and that's something I want to show people," she tells SELF.
"I may be uncomfortable with it, but it’s here and I’m going to try as best as I can to accept it."
That's our favorite part of Brenna's message—and it's why this trend stands out. Here is a woman who is trying to love herself and be comfortable with the parts of her body she might not necessarily like. It's a feeling we can all relate to.
#CelluliteSaturday is pushing us to do something that makes us uncomfortable. And then, a bit further down the line, makes us so much more comfortable.
And many other women are now getting on board.
We're all for this.
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