Why Is No One Talking About Jenny Slate's Magical Instagram?

Actor Jenny Slate is having a moment.

Aside from her very public breakup with Chris Evans, she's continuing to score more and more major Hollywood roles, proving herself as a force to be reckoned with.

But in addition to her impressive career moves, she also maintains an impressive and gloriously weird Instagram account.

The page is essentially Slate's diary; the peek into her charmingly bizarre mind we didn't know we needed. Here are some of the wonderfully weird things you'll discover after clicking "follow".

1. Her appreciation for literature

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She never hesitates to word vomit her emotions after reading a particularly touching passage, and we are endlessly thankful for that.

After finishing Anita Brookner's Hotel Du Lac, she writes the following delightfully charming run-on sentence:

"I am still thinking about this passage and I am also a domestic animal and I am learning to be less of a puppy and more of a hidden house mouse but I want to jump into a briefcase or purse and still be with another soul bc I cant help myself bc I am alive and driven to change and bond and change again and grow and learn and love myself and others until I'm not alive anymore."

2. Her appreciation for pretty things

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Take this two-post dedication to these perfectly average airport chairs, for instance.

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3. Her appreciation for her dog

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Because, "Sometimes you just need to crawl into an empty kitchen cabinet and stay there for a while."

We get it. So does Jenny.

4. Music recommendations

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These recommendations can be both profound and deliciously odd. In one post, Slate encourages her followers to listen to Robyn and "Think of all of the people and concepts (or even our country), all of the things at which you could direct this very chill and living statement and then do it."

In another, she discusses her affinity for music intended for stimulating plant growth. (Because that's apparently a thing.)

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5. Shameless outfit posts

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In this shot, Slate describes her look as a "Baby in a haunted hotel."

Strange, specific, and incredibly spot on.

6. Hilarious/absurd text conversations

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This retelling of a hot-dog regurgitation deserves a Pulitzer.

In fact, it seems pretty fair to say that Slate's Instagram is as much of a work of art as any of the characters she creates.