Of Course New Jersey Loves 'The Sopranos'. But What Do Other States Watch?

Thank goodness for the remote control. This election season's news cycle is making many Americans feel disheartened, but with a simple click of the remote, we can be transported to the scripted reality of our choosing. Unsurprisingly though, even when it comes to television, it seems American's just can't agree.

Cable and Internet provider CableTV.com used data from IMDb's "Most Popular TV Shows" list and Google Trends from the last 12 months to determine the TV show each state (and Washington D.C.) loves more than any other state in the Unites States. For example, we all love Stranger Things, but the good people of Maine have more Stranger Things fans per capita. Something they should be very proud of. 

The results were then put into this very handy infographic map.

Photo: CableTV.com
Photo: CableTV.com


Similar to a map they created for reality show preferences, CableTV's map tells an interesting story about Americans. In this case, that as Americans we like to watch stories about ourselves.

Most states prefer shows that take place in their region and feature characters that speak with regional dialects. For example, Californians like to watch the goings on in Palo Alto on Silicon Valley. The residents of Washington D.C. want to see what Olivia Pope is going to do next in Washington D.C. on Scandal. The good people of Tennessee like to watch the drama unfold in Nashville on Nashville.

CableTV also collected data on each states education, crime, and income levels to provide more insight into what our television preferences say about us.

States with higher incomes and education levels, like Maryland and Wyoming, tend to prefer dark dramas like The Wire (which is also set in Baltimore, Maryland) and snarky comedies, like Orange is the New Black, while states with lower incomes, like Mississippi, and education levels, like Texas, prefer small-town dramas, like Friday Night Lights (again, set in Texas), and crime dramas, like Narcos.

You know who else loves crime dramas? Criminals. CableTV's data shows that states with higher crime rates, like New Mexico, prefer shows that glorified bad behavior like Breaking Bad. Those with relatively low rates, like Vermont, tend to lean toward paranormal shows, like The X-Files.

Meanwhile, in places where there is a higher rate of church attendance, CableTV found there were correlating higher rates of marriage and higher populations of children. Therefore, those states viewing choices tended to lean toward PG-rated programming like Utah's favorite Once Upon a Time, while the states with lower church attendance rates and fewer children per capita tended to watch more violent and adult shows like West Virginia's favorite Prison Break.

Basically, the United States is a country of television narcissists, but we wouldn't have it any other way.

If you're not the "look at a map' type, here are the top shows by state:

Alabama: Legends of Tomorrow

Alaska: Star Trek

Arizona: Aquarius

Arkansas: Smallville

California: Silicon Valley

Colorado: South Park

Connecticut: Gossip Girl

Delaware: Ballers

District of Columbia: Scandal

Florida: Tyrant

Georgia: Power

Hawaii: Lost

Idaho: Reign

Illinois: New Girl

Indiana: Supergirl

Iowa: Two and a Half Men

Kansas: The Flash

Kentucky: One Tree Hill

Louisiana: Queen Sugar

Maine: Stranger Things

Maryland: The Wire

Massachusetts: Ray Donovan

Michigan: Dexter

Minnesota: The Simpsons

Mississippi: Friday Night Lights

Missouri: Hannibal

Montana: Blue Bloods

Nebraska: Modern Family

Nevada: Lucifer

New Hampshire: The Fosters

New Jersey: The Sopranos

New Mexico: Breaking Bad

New York: Gotham

North Carolina: The Blacklist

North Dakota: Parks and Recreation

Ohio: How I Met Your Mother

Oklahoma: Homeland

Oregon: Grimm

Pennsylvania: Banshee

Rhode Island: Law & Order: SVU

South Carolina: Vice Principals

South Dakota: The Big Bang Theory

Tennessee: Nashville

Texas: Narcos

Utah: Once Upon A Time

Vermont: The X-Files

Virginia: Quantico

Washington: Cold Feet

West Virginia: Prison Break

Wisconsin: Castle

Wyoming: Orange is the New Black