Brenda and Curt Heuer went above and beyond in their celebration of National Adoption Day on November 19. The couple didn't just make a Facebook post, or go out to dinner, they adopted five siblings so that they wouldn't be split up in the foster care system.
Arizona parents adopt five siblings so they aren’t split up in foster care system
— People Magazine (@people)
Over the last 12 years, Brenda and Curt (of Yavapai County, Arizona) have opened their homes and hearts to 52 foster children. In February 2015, they began fostering five brothers and sisters whose parents and relatives were unable to care for them.
Brenda tells People she knew that if the kids—now ages 2, 3, 6, 7 and 9—were put up for adoption they would be split up.
“We needed to keep these kids together,” explains Brenda.
So she and Curt decided to start the adoption process.
“These kids mean a lot to us,” Brenda says to People. “We have such good times together and we are doing everything we can to be good parents, we couldn’t wait to welcome them into our home—officially!”
And on November 19, during Yavapai County Superior Court’s celebration of National Adoption Day, she and Curt officially adopted all five siblings, turning them into a family of seven.
“We decided to do it on National Adoption Day, because how fun is that?" Brenda tells People. "And there are a ton of parties and celebrations going on.” A celebration that will continue, as Brenda says she and Curt plan to take the children to Disneyland.
According to The Daily Courier, witnessing the adoption was one of Brenda and Curt's former foster children.
Jon O'neill and his twin brother lived with the Heuers for five years and was thrilled to watch the five siblings find their forever home with them.
“I can’t put into words how grateful I am to have had that family,” O’neill said to The Daily Courier. “They were the real reason I had dreams at all.”
Because of the Heuers, O'neill says he has plans to become a foster parent himself one day.
“I plan to do foster care when I’m older because of them,” he said. “It’s just changed my life forever.”
The Heuers are delighted with their new family and can't wait to see what the future has in store for them.
“It’s our job as parents to teach our kids right from wrong and how to be good citizens!” says Brenda. “Everything feels right.”
And despite having five children, the Heuers haven't completely closed the door on fostering the future.
“You never know!” says Brenda.
H/t: People

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