We Need to Talk About Mariah Carey's Sublime New Gym Outfit

A little over a month after her disastrous New Year's Eve performance, Mariah Carey is shake, shake, shake, shake, shaking it off in the gym.

When the average person is looking to burn off some negativity in the gym, we clad ourself in performance leggings and gel comfort running shoes.

But while Mariah Carey is many things—everything, in fact—average is definitely not one of them.

If I told you a celebrity posted a photo of herself working out at the gym while wearing a low cut black bustier, black fishnet stockings, a black and white jacket, and white stiletto boots, you'd probably say, "What? That's weird. Who does that?"

Then I'd tell you it was Mariah Carey.

And you'd say, "Oh, well yeah. That makes sense."

A photo posted by Mariah Carey (@mariahcarey) on

In a series of of photos and videos posted to her Instagram that only she could get away with, Carey shows off how Mariah-Carey-practical her fitness apparel really is.

As you can see above, in Mariah's World stiletto sneaker booties are perfect for climbing. And when they're paired with a fishnet stocking, they're also great running shoe.

Who knew?

A video posted by Mariah Carey (@mariahcarey) on

As you'll see below, zipping your jacket down a bit makes it a high-performance item for lifting weights to better define Mariah Carey's pectoral muscles—and Mariah Carey's only.

A video posted by Mariah Carey (@mariahcarey) on

If anyone else did this they would be soundly mocked. But this is Mariah Carey. So instead, the world applauds her for being her true Mariah Carey self.

Fans have left comments saying she is "too fabulous", and, "Of course this is what she wears to the gym."

Even Rihanna is here for it. Loving the fact Carey's workout shoes are from her FENTYxPUMA collection, the singer/designer

Before you go thinking that this is some kind of PR move to promote her new single 'I Don't', it's important to remember that Mariah Carey has been wearing this type of workout wear for years.

Lest we forget, here is her iconic 2002 MTV Cribs episode.

So thank you, Mariah, for being true to who you are.

I would say you are a goddess among men, but you're more than that. You're a Mariah Carey among men.