Prom is a right of passage most teenagers go through. Including teenagers that grow up to be rich and famous celebrities.
From the most awkward of the awkward to kind of glamour that will make you think "of course they'd end up famous", let's take a look back at 35 celebrities prom night moments.
1. Beyoncé
High School Prom, Beyonce's Dress Is Beautiful
— beyonce_ll (@Fanlestwins2)
Beyoncé's date must not have know bout her. He must not have know bout her. and she found another him in a minute.
2. Blake Lively
Check out 's pic! She hasn't changed a bit! (her bangs might be a little less straight though)
— Z90.3 | San Diego (@Z903)
Like her The Age of Adaline character, ' doesn't seem to have aged at all.
3. Rosie O'Donnell
The Prom (1980):
— Jeanne (@JMKope)
Rosie O'Donnell was homecoming queen, prom queen, class president, and voted class clown her senior year of high school.
4. Taraji P. Henson
I don't know, throw some fur on Taraji P. Henson's prom gown and Cookie might wear it.
5. Lady Gaga
. at her senior prom is all I ever want to be 😂
— Prince ♕ (@PrinceBove)
Lady Gaga had quite the poker face, even back then.
6. John Legend
Of course, John Legend was the prom king.
7. Halle Berry
Halle Berry was also prom queen at her high school.
— NYC (@Peace2Kiara)
Same goes for . It would be crazy for her not be named prom queen.
8. Jimmy Fallon
My date went tanning the night before. I did not. I looked like Powder.
— jimmy fallon (@jimmyfallon)
Jimmy Fallon's prom look pales in comparison to his look now.
9. Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama at prom oh my god
— 🍑 (@glazedjimin)
Now that she's out of the White House, Michelle Obama can go back to sitting on a throne like she's meant to.
10. Natalie Portman
Stunning. Natalie Portman during prom
— Christina Staggs (@michstaggs)
Natalie Portman was already a star when she went to prom. So, naturally, she followed prom with a degree from Harvard and an Oscar.
11. Snoop Dogg
Snoop Dogg ended up marrying his prom date Shate Broadus and this year they'll celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary.
12. Gwen Stefani
Gwen Stefani was just a girl when she went to prom.
13. Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars' prom photo. (Via )
— WA Creative (@AnggraeniDesia)
Even back then, Bruno Mars was bringing the 24K Magic.
14. Kerry Washington
No scandal here, Kerry Washington was just plain adorable at herprom.
15. Fergie
Fergie at her prom looking
G L A M O R O U S 💐💁✨— Nouveau Prom (@NouveauProm)
Before she was making that MILF money, Fergie was elected prom queen.
16. Ryan Seacrest
Ryan Seacrest leads the pack as celebrities share geeky prom photos for Throwback ... - -
— News-All-The-Time (@mybabyace)
It's unclear if at the end of the prom, Ryan Seacrest told his date "Seacrest Out."
17. Tyra Banks
This is Tyra Banks at her prom. She was even smizing back then
— Just Kandyce (@Just_Kandyce)
Tyra Banks wanted to be on top even back then.
18. Sandra Bullock
Celeb Prom Photo Sandra Bullock
— klaatu barada nikto (@klaatu)
Before she was America's sweetheart, Sandra Bullock was her prom dates sweetheart.
19. Jeremy Renner
Well glad this tux was a rental. Why did my get up have to match her dress again?
— Jeremy Renner (@Renner4Real)
Jeremy Renner had a mullet...that is all.
20. Ellen DeGeneres
Ellen DeGeneres put it best in her caption of her prom pic, "Yes, this is real."
21. Will Ferrell
Reddit Blog: Will Ferrell's Prom Photo (1985) via
— Jason S (@theluckyman)
As you can see, Will Ferrell was prom queen...or at least his date was and he borrowed her tiara.
22. Jessica Alba
Jessica Alba's dress is an interesting choice... very of its time!
— Brides & Beyond (@Bridesbeyond)
Jessica Alba: Actor, entrepreneur, and apparently, former ice dancer.
23. Terry Crews
Me and my date at my prom, Flint Academy 1986!
(I finally grew into my hands and feet!)— terrycrews (@terrycrews)
Turns out Terry Crews looks great in pink.
24. Elizabeth Banks
— hey it's me (@_HannahBaker_13)
It's not quite Effie Tricket but Elizabeth Banks brought some color to her prom.
25. John Stamos
John Stamos. Then, now, forever.
26. Rihanna
i live for rihanna's prom photos
— ㅤㅤㅤ (@sexplicitfenty)
Strangely, didn't bring this guy as her date to this year's Met Gala.
27. Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt's prom pic 😂 sick mullet😂😂 tag a friend to give them a laugh!
— Celebrity Prom Pics (@FlamaBlanca__)
Prom was a happier time for Brad Pitt.
28. Britney Spears
At her prom looking beautiful as always! Xo
— Chelsea Allen (@ChelssAllenn3)
Britney Spears walked into her prom and said, "It's Britney, bitch", probably.
29. Matthew McConaughey
My aunt's high school prom date just won an Oscar. Congrats, Matthew McConaughey!
— leah pickett (@leahkpickett)
When Matthew McConaughey asked his date she said, "Alright, alright, alright".
30. Jennifer Aniston
Junior prom. ❤️
— JenniferAnistonDaily (@daily_aniston)
No word on whether Jennifer Aniston and her date stayed...friends.
31. Kim Kardashian West
Share your photos on Friday, March 31 Love this of prom pic
— Robyn Stevens (@robynstevensPR)
Before we were all trying to keep up with Kim Kardashian West she was just trying to have fun at her prom.
32. George Clooney
Celeb Prom Photo George Clooney
— klaatu barada nikto (@klaatu)
I wonder if George Clooney still has his prom tuxedo and can hand it down to his soon to be born son?
33. Amy Poehler
Someone asked Amy Poehler to prom and she said, 'yes please'.
34. Josh Duhamel
The look a high school kid has before prom when he realizes he may see a real live girl naked for the 1st time.
— Josh Duhamel (@joshduhamel)
While his wife Fergie was prom queen, Josh Duhamel was simply looking to see a girl naked.
35. Gabrielle Union
Gabrielle Union looked high school age for a long time, so she gets two prom flashbacks.
And some serious applause for those gloves.

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